Finger Licking Good 6 – Scene 5 (3rd Degree Films #93806)

Kinky babes Alexis Texas and Nautica Thorn fuck each other.

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Finger Licking Good 6 - Scene 5

Finger Licking Good 6 – Scene 5 – Full movie available at 3rdDegreeFilms

Finger Licking Good: A Tale of Alexis Texas and Nautica Thorn

Act I, Scene I

[A street in Verona]

Enter Alexis Texas and Nautica Thorn.

Alexis: Good morrow, fair Nautica! What news doth thou bring this morn?

Nautica: Good morrow, fair Alexis! The news I bring is strange and wondrous.

Alexis: Pray, speak it out, I beg of thee!

Nautica: ‘Tis said that the Duke hath summoned all the maidens of Verona to a grand feast in his palace.

Alexis: A feast, thou sayest? What feast? And for what purpose?

Nautica: ‘Tis said that the Duke doth seek a bride, and that he shall choose one from among the maidens who attend the feast.

Alexis: A bride? And shall we attend, fair Nautica?

Nautica: Indeed we shall, fair Alexis! For who knows what fate may bring us at the feast?

Act II, Scene I

[The Duke’s Palace]

Enter Alexis and Nautica, among other maidens.

Alexis: What grandeur, what splendor! The Duke’s palace is a wonder to behold.

Nautica: Indeed it is, fair Alexis! But look, the Duke doth approach us now.

Enter the Duke.

Duke: Good even, fair maidens! Welcome to my palace, and to the feast I have prepared for thee.

Maidens: Good even, your Grace! We thank thee for thy hospitality.

Duke: Now, my dear maidens, let the feast begin! Bring forth the dishes, and let us enjoy the bounty of the land!

The maidens partake of the feast, and the Duke watches them closely.

Duke: Fair maidens, as thou dost enjoy my feast, I shall watch thee closely, and choose one among thee to be my bride.

The maidens murmur among themselves, and Alexis and Nautica exchange worried glances.

Act III, Scene I

[The Duke’s Palace]

Enter Alexis and Nautica, among other maidens.

Alexis: What anguish, what despair! The Duke hath chosen another maiden to be his bride!

Nautica: Alas, fair Alexis! But look, the Duke doth approach us now.

Enter the Duke.

Duke: Fair maidens, I have made my choice! The fairest of you all shall be my bride, and share my throne and my love!

The maidens tremble with anticipation, and the Duke steps forward to announce his choice.

Duke: And the fairest of you all, the one who shall share my throne and my love, is…

Suddenly, the Duke is interrupted by a loud noise outside.

Enter a messenger.

Messenger: Your Grace! Your Grace! The city is under attack! The Montagues and Capulets have taken up arms against each other, and the streets run red with blood!

Duke: What madness is this? The Montagues and Capulets, always at each other’s throats! I must go and quell this riot at once!

The Duke exits, and the maidens scatter in panic.

Act IV, Scene I

[A street in Verona]

Enter Alexis and Nautica.

Alexis: What violence, what bloodshed! The streets of Verona are a battlefield!

Enter a group of soldiers.

Soldier 1: Halt! Who goes there?

Alexis: We are but maidens, lost in this madness!

Nautica: Pray, good soldiers, help us find our way to safety!

Soldier 2: Follow us, fair maidens! We shall escort you to a place of safety.

The soldiers guide Alexis and Nautica through the chaotic streets, avoiding the clashing armies of Montagues and Capulets.

Alexis: What horror, what despair! How can we ever hope to find peace in Verona?

Nautica: ‘Tis true, fair Alexis. But perhaps, in time, the wounds of this ancient feud may be healed.

Soldier 1: Here, fair maidens! This way to safety!

The soldiers lead Alexis and Nautica to a hidden chamber, where they wait until the fighting dies down.

Act V, Scene I

[The Duke’s Palace]

Enter Alexis and Nautica.

Alexis: What joy, what relief! The fighting hath ceased, and Verona is at peace once more!

Nautica: Indeed it is, fair Alexis. But what of the Duke? Hath he returned to his palace?

Enter the Duke.

Duke: Fair maidens! I have returned, and I bring news of peace and reconciliation!

Maidens: Peace, your Grace?

Duke: Yes, peace! The Montagues and Capulets have laid down their arms, and have agreed to a truce!

Alexis: What wondrous news, your Grace!

Nautica: Indeed it is! But what of the bride you sought at the feast?

Duke: The bride, fair Nautica, is no longer of importance to me. For now, I seek only to bring peace to Verona, and to heal the wounds of this ancient feud.

The Duke exits, and Alexis and Nautica embrace each other in relief.

Alexis: What a tale we have lived, fair Nautica! From the grandeur of the feast, to the horror of the fighting, and the joy of peace!

Nautica: ‘Tis true, fair Alexis. And who knows what other tales may befall us in this fair city of Verona?

The two maidens exit, as the curtain falls.

Watch the full scene at 3rdDegreeFilms