Angelique Lapiedra (Woodman Casting X)


PIERRE WOODMAN, a well-known French casting director, is seated behind a desk. ANGELIQUE LAPIEDRA, a young and beautiful actress, is standing in front of him.

PIERRE: So, Angelique, tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from?

ANGELIQUE: I’m from Spain. I’ve always wanted to be an actress, and I’ve done a few small projects there. But I wanted to try my luck in the bigger film industry, so here I am.

Watch the full scene at Woodman Casting X

Angelique Lapiedra (Woodman Casting X)

PIERRE: Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place. I’ve seen your headshots and I have to say, you’re a stunning young woman.

ANGELIQUE: Thank you, Pierre. That’s very kind of you.

PIERRE: Now, let’s get down to business. I’m going to ask you to do a few things for me to see if you’re right for the role I have in mind. Are you ready?

ANGELIQUE: Yes, I’m ready.

PIERRE: Great. First, I want you to improvise a scene with me. You’re a waitress, and I’m a customer who’s trying to flirt with you. Go ahead.

ANGELIQUE: (in a flirtatious tone) Hi there, what can I get for you?

PIERRE: (smiling) Oh, just a cup of coffee. And maybe your phone number?

ANGELIQUE: (giggling) Sorry, I don’t give out my number to strangers. But I can give you a free refill.

PIERRE: (laughing) Well played, Angelique. You have a natural charm on camera. Now, I want to see how you handle a more emotional scene. I’m going to give you a scenario, and I want you to react to it as if it’s really happening.

ANGELIQUE: Okay, I’m ready.

PIERRE: You’re in a hospital waiting room, and the doctor has just told you that your mother has died. Go ahead.

ANGELIQUE: (tearfully) What? No, no, that can’t be true. My mother can’t be dead. (starts crying)

PIERRE: (comforting) It’s okay, Angelique. It’s just a scene. You did great.

ANGELIQUE: (wiping away tears) Sorry, I got a little carried away there.

PIERRE: That’s okay. It shows you have real emotional depth as an actress. Now, there’s just one more thing I want you to do. I’m going to ask you to take off your clothes.

ANGELIQUE: (shocked) What? Why?

PIERRE: It’s just for the camera. I need to see your body to make sure you’re right for the role.

ANGELIQUE: (hesitant) I don’t know…

PIERRE: (reassuringly) Angelique, trust me. This is standard in the industry. And I promise, I’ll be professional and respectful. If you’re not comfortable, we can stop.

ANGELIQUE: (thinking for a moment) Okay, I’ll do it.

PIERRE: (smiling) Great. Go ahead and undress behind that screen over there.

Angelique hesitates for a moment, then slowly walks towards the screen. Pierre watches her with a predatory look on his face.

PIERRE (V.O.): (thinking to himself) Ah, another naive young actress who thinks she needs to take her clothes off to make it in this business. But who am I to argue? I’m just doing my job.

Angelique emerges from behind the screen, now completely naked. Pierre stands up from his chair and walks around her, examining her body.

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PIERRE: (nodding) Very nice, Angelique. You have a great figure.

ANGELIQUE: (embarrassed) Thank you.

PIERRE: Now, I want you to do a little dance for me. Just move your body to the music and let yourself go.

Pierre turns on some music and Angelique starts dancing, trying to cover herself as much as possible. Pierre watches her with a lascivious gaze, enjoying the view.

PIERRE (V.O.): (thinking to himself) Ah, this is the life. Getting paid to watch beautiful women undress and dance for me. Who needs a wife and kids when you have this?

Angelique finishes her dance, feeling humiliated and degraded. Pierre hands her a robe to cover herself.

PIERRE: (smiling) You were great, Angelique. I think you have real potential. I’ll be in touch.

Angelique leaves the room, feeling dirty and used. Pierre sits back down at his desk, satisfied with himself.

PIERRE (V.O.): (thinking to himself) Another one down, a million more to go. This job never gets old.


Visit Woodman Casting X and watch this scene!

Collection : dvd, Movie 0 – DAILY GIRLS with ANGELIQUE LAPIEDRA